The Current Generations.

Longfield School.
Joe and Marguerite's two sons gradually grew up. They both went to the local Primary School, Longfield School then they both moved on To the Grammar School at Harrow Weald.
On his way to Harrow Weald, Neil made a slight detour, spending a year at Lascelles Secondary Modern School having failed his 11+ exam. Fortunately between him finally waking up and doing some work, and a mother in the teaching profession, he ended up being transferred to the Grammar School on condition that he repeated the first year.
Michael went on to University in Bradford then a successful career in retailing. Married to Janice in 1976 they had twin sons Mark and Andrew, both born in 1980. Bringing up twins must be one of the most stressful and arduous ways of having children, (Especially for the first twenty years or so.) and must sorely test any relationship. Sadly Mike and Jan's broke under the strain, and they separated in 1989 subsequently divorcing.
Fortunately this was done as amicably as such things ever can be, they arrived at a mutually agreeable settlement without the need to waste half of their finances on lawyer's fees. They must have been a family lawyer's nightmare couple, if they are not going to wrangle over it how is he supposed to pay his mortgage ?

Mike's Wedding.
Groom & Best man. Please tell me that we never really looked like this !
Michael & Jan both subsequently re-married, Jan to Roger Michael to Barbara in 1990. Further years passed, and Mark and Andrew grew up. They both went on to University then into sucessful careers.
Andrew married Kelly Barker in 2007, their first child, George, was born in October 2009, followed by his brother Toby who arrived in early August 2012. Mark married Joanne Cuthbertson in 2009, and their first child Jessica came along in 2013 followed by Matthew in 2017.
Joe and Marguerite's younger son Neil, went to Medical School, ending up as a GP in Cheshire, where he practiced with his wife Linda. Unfortunately ill health forced him to take early retirement in 2006, They have two Children
Caroline and Simon.
Caroline born in 1989 went to University at Aberystwyth and after several years taking an MSc and teaching at Hartpury College, she now works as a Pharmaceutical Rep for a French company selling veterinary drugs in the UK. She and fiancé Lloyd should have been married in Greece in September 2020, however as for so many people these plans were scuppered by the Covid Pandemic, we are hopeful for 2021.
Simon had always had a desire to travel, so a couple of years after leaving University, also at Aberystwyth, he paused his career and went off travelling for two and a half years. Along the way he met Gio, a truly delightful girl from Venice, they both now live & work in Chester, Gio in a large UK holiday Cottage business, Simon in financial services and learning Italian !