Have we got a problem ?
Thank you for taking the time and trouble to come to this page. The website consists of quite a large number of pages and individual components. This being a website, any one of those components can go wrong, go AWOL or just sit and do the wrong thing, at any time. And they do!! Typically this will happen with no notice and for no apparent reason.
Without wishing to anthropomorphise, I think it is reasonable to say that when a reason for a failure can be found, it is most likely to be a deeply held desire, on behalf of the computer, to muck up whatever you are doing at the most difficult moment possible.
If you find something that seems wrong, or something not working, it will probably stay wrong and not working until someone draws it to my attention so that I can fix it.
Please briefly describe the problem that you have found and what page is it on. If you wish to leave details of who and where you are, that would be great and I will send occasional updates to anyone leaving an email address, this is 100% optional.
Or are you just stopping by for a chat ?
If you prefer to just leave a comment, that is also fine. You will find that the email box needs filling before you can send your message. You may not wish to use your actual email address, however I find that fred@bloggsmail.com. works just fine , so be creative !!
The only thing I ask is please keep it civilised !!