More Detailed Cameron Family Tree.
This is prepared from screen-shots of my main family tree on "Ancestry" . The size of the tree makes it difficult to cram it onto a web-page. This displays correctly on my 27 inch iMac screen, but I have no idea what will happen on a smaller screen, so this is a bit of a try-out. If anyone viewing this could be bothered to let me know how it looks and what screen they are viewing it would be really helpful.
I suspect that on a smaller screen the central area will display correctly but that it will degrade / cut-off towards the edges. If it is displaying correctly then you should be able to see the background image behind all four sides of the blue area.

Continued below.

Continued from above.

Line continued past John Cameron & janet McKenzie.

Since this treee was compiled, I have done further work on the pre 1650 section. As stated elsewhere this section has always been highly speculative, however the recent work suggests it is outright wrong ! Updating this tree is to as easy as it may initially seem, so in the interests of just making one set of changes, I am leaving it as it is for now, until I am as certain as possible of how it should read.